Hello, and thank you for considering to give to Bold Springs Baptist Church!
When you give at Bold Springs Baptist Church, you serve the Lord in so many ways. Click the button below for instructions on how to give over text or scroll down to use our online giving portal.
When you give at Bold Springs Baptist Church, you serve the Lord in so many ways. Click the button below for instructions on how to give over text or scroll down to use our online giving portal.
Operation Christmas Child
This past Christmas, through faithful giving and volunteering, the church put together over 200 gift boxes for children in poverty all around the world. Despite their desperate physical needs, the greatest gift shared through this ministry is the gift of hearing the Gospel. Learn more about Operation Christmas Child.
Walton County Pregnancy Resource Center
This wonderful ministry offers ultrasounds and other life-saving services to women in crisis pregnancies. These women are shown that their only choice is not abortion and that God loves them and their baby and that there is hope in Jesus Christ.
Support for missions in HondurasBold Springs Baptist Church has been blessed to support multiple pastors in poverty stricken Honduras through Good Samaritan Baptist Mission. Through faithful giving, the church was able to purchase a motorcycle and truck for pastors who previously had no form of mechanized transportation. This allowed them to share the Gospel to other towns that would have taken days to reach before.
Continue scrolling if you want to learn more about what Bold Springs Baptist Church has been able to do with your generosity!
Community Giving
Bold Springs Baptist is a giving church, and because of this faithfulness, the Lord has allowed us to help many in their moment of need, while telling them the Good New of Jesus. Just this past January we were told of a 17 year old young man who was homeless and had virtually nothing. As a church we were able to raise money to get him clothes and supplies he needs to be able to finish High School and to have opportunities that he would likely not have had otherwise.
Church Renovations
As the community of Bold Springs continues to grow a rapid pace, the faithful tithes and offerings have allowed us to complete needed renovations to the children's and youth building including new windows, fire escape, fellowship hall remodel and many other projects planned.
church mortgage
The Lord has blessed us through Biblical stewardship to be able to pay off the mortgage for the main church sanctuary. This would have not been possible without the generous giving of so many fellow believers. We are so blessed and excited that Bold Springs Baptist Church is debt free and that even more of the dollars given will be able to go directly into glorifying and magnifying Jesus Christ.